Francesc Vicent Garcia (1579-1623), better known as the parish priest of Vallfogona, is considered the great poet of the Catalan baroque. With a witty and cultured but also burlesque and satirical pen, his compositions achieved great popularity when dealing with themes such as love, power or social criticism.
For centuries, a whole series of stories and anecdotes circulated, more in the form of legend than true stories, attributed to the person of the parish priest that made the fame of the famous writer survive. Some stories that were collected by the folklorist Joan Amades (1890-1959), who published them in 1938.
Coinciding with the celebration of the Año Rector de Vallfogona, which during 2023 commemorates the 400th anniversary of the death of the poet and ecclesiastic, Edicions Morera presents EL RECTOR OF VALLFOGONA (El Ermitaño Collection no. 14), a facsimile edition of the Popular Narrations published by Joan Amades in 1938, commented and reviewed by Antoni Serés, scholar of Amades' work and curator of the folklorist's documentary collection.
In the informative line of the l'Ermità Collection, the edition includes a selection of historical images and biographical notes of the two authors.
Title: El Rector de Vallfogona. Narracions populars per Joan Amades.
Author: Antoni Serés Aguilar
Publication date: juliol 2023
Language: catalán
Format: 14 x 21cm
Number ofpages: 120
Collection: Col.lecció de l'Ermità
Distribution: Les Punxes Distribucions
ISBN: 978-84-123566-8-7
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