The Nautic Backpack by Peter & Wolf is an exclusive, handcrafted piece made from waterproof nautical fabric. This material, commonly used in outdoor furniture for the nautical sector, ensures high resistance and durability, making it a practical and stylish choice for everyday use.
With a functional and modern design, the Nautic Brick Backpack stands out for its elegant brick-red color and ergonomic structure. It is perfect for those who seek a versatile, durable accessory with a distinctive touch.
The Memory of Objects T-shirts
Com sempre, regals originals!
Half a dozen Hòstia
Un bon regal original per a qui els agrada la ratafia
Hidraulik placemats
Me encantan . Estupendo diseño y calidad
Ratafia L'HOSTIA
Una bona ratafia i un regal que no deixa indiferent.Tornaré a comprar a Oniricat.
Càntir 2022 Carme Pinós
Design and quality products with very satisfactory customer service and delivery
Non-drip oil bottle Marquina
Un clásico atemporal que hacía tiempo que andaba buscando. Servicio de atención y entrega impecables.
The Memory of Objects T-shirts
Molt originals i de qualitat. Oniricat no decepciona. Molt satisfet!
Ceramic Mural Sant Jordi
Sin duda un regalo original que viajó a Pamplona y gustó muchísimo.