In the 2025 Calendari de l'Ermità, we can find classic information of a practical nature, such as astronomical data (sun and moon rises, eclipses, etc.), the saint of the day (updated Catalan calendar of saints) and the dates of the celebration of the main festivals, fairs and markets. It also includes recommendations for the good cultivation of the orchard and garden, as well as the fruits and vegetables of each season, medicinal herbs, among others.
In addition to this useful information, the special issue of the El Ermitaño Calendar presents articles that recover historical memory: a dossier on Antoni Maria Morera, founder of the Calendar; a 150-year history of the El Ermitaño Calendar as a continuation of a 19th-century calendar; an evocation of a time around 1876, the year in which the first issue was published; the beginnings of Catalan meteorology; proverbs from 1800; the tradition of Christmas greetings; the tradition of the Tres Tombs; and the commemoration of the 2,800th anniversary of the first Olympic Games.
Aspects of our popular and traditional culture are also included, as well as themes that value local and artisanal elements, together with respect for nature and the environment. The Hermit's Calendar is decorated with historical images and engravings made by artists from the rich Catalan illustrative tradition.
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