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  • €2.00 - €60.00

Canvas Bag

Geometrik Bag

He fet una compra recent i estic molt content del servei tan de la rapidesa en l'entrega com del tracte i la qualitat del producte, us animo a comprar-hi.

By: Emili Colls Gelabertó 01/13/2022
Safata Detray

DETRAY sofa tray

Atenció al client impecable, gran professionalitat i un ventall de productes molt ampli.

By: Montserrat Vilalta Torrent 07/26/2021
Bussoga Mural 2

Ceramic Mural Sant Jordi

Sin duda un regalo original que viajó a Pamplona y gustó muchísimo.

By: Ana Silvia Lavecchia 12/12/2022
Càntir 2019 Miguel Milá

Càntir 2022 Carme Pinós


Design and quality products with very satisfactory customer service and delivery

By: Núria Borras 06/04/2024

For orders +€50 while stocks last.


Traditional Catalan farcell weaving is a form of textile craftsmanship that has been an integral part of Catalonia's culture and history for centuries. Farcell, which means "sack" in Catalan, is a type of fabric used to make bags, sacks, and other durable and functional textile products.

The process of traditional Catalan farcell weaving is laborious and requires skill and patience. A manual loom is used to weave cotton or linen threads in a specific pattern that creates a strong and durable fabric. The traditional colors used in farcell weaving are generally natural tones like beige, brown, and gray, although more colorful and elaborate designs can also be found.

A distinctive feature of Catalan farcell weaving is its resistance and durability. The natural fibers used in the fabric make it ideal for practical uses such as shopping bags, agricultural sacks, or even sturdy clothing pieces. Additionally, the hand-weaving process gives the farcell a unique and artisanal quality that sets it apart from industrial textile products.
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