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Canvas Bag

Geometrik Bag

He fet una compra recent i estic molt content del servei tan de la rapidesa en l'entrega com del tracte i la qualitat del producte, us animo a comprar-hi.

By: Emili Colls Gelabertó 01/13/2022
Safata Detray

DETRAY sofa tray

Atenció al client impecable, gran professionalitat i un ventall de productes molt ampli.

By: Montserrat Vilalta Torrent 07/26/2021
Bussoga Mural 2

Ceramic Mural Sant Jordi

Sin duda un regalo original que viajó a Pamplona y gustó muchísimo.

By: Ana Silvia Lavecchia 12/12/2022
Càntir 2019 Miguel Milá

Càntir 2022 Carme Pinós


Design and quality products with very satisfactory customer service and delivery

By: Núria Borras 06/04/2024

For orders +€50 while stocks last.


aspires to arouse emotions, to encourage and suggest, trigger sensations, elicit feelings, reflections and smiles. And we hope do so through objects that are endearing because they exude the thrill of their creation, pieces that have an inspiring quality and that, like everything created with care and respect, convey the radiance of attention.
Livingthings are objects that speak. They speak of beauty, proportion, brightness and rhythm; they speak of sensitivity and experimentation, of culture, boldness, humour and magic; they speak of ideas and concepts, of ways of thinking and ways of living. Above all else, however, speak of their owners.

People who usually pay attention to small things: gestures, gazes, lights, scents, sounds, objects. People who have their own way of looking and seeing, who like to live amidst stimulating sensations and create unique atmospheres, singular personal spaces of their own. People of an emotional depth that can, on occasion, prove catching…and we are fortunate enough to have caught on!
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  • Postal address (offices)
    Cadis, 6 - 08911 Badalona Barcelona

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