Wood: The Essential and Authentic Element
Wood is Grapat's essential material: warm, strong, and alive. This raw material is crafted with care, respecting the imperfections that make it unique. Each toy is handmade and dyed with natural stains, a process that allows the wood to breathe and show its unique grains and textures, a beauty that will endure over time. The natural colors connect with children’s emotions and moods, enriching the sensory experience of play. The dye penetrates differently depending on temperature, humidity, and other natural factors, ensuring the authenticity of each piece.
Commitment to Sustainability and the Environment
Grapat works with sustainable materials and local suppliers from the European Union, ensuring that the production process respects both the environment and the workers. All finishes are plant-based, free from toxic elements, and safe for play, guaranteeing a secure and healthy experience. Over time, the wood will accumulate small marks and dents, proof of the hours of play children have enjoyed, which for us is a mark of value, authenticity, and growth.
Grapat: A Life Philosophy in Toy Form
Grapat is, therefore, more than just a toy brand; it is a life philosophy that advocates for a world that is freer, more creative, and respectful of people and nature.
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The Memory of Objects T-shirts
Com sempre, regals originals!
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Me encantan . Estupendo diseño y calidad
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The Memory of Objects T-shirts
Molt originals i de qualitat. Oniricat no decepciona. Molt satisfet!
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