Magical and sustainable lighting
Discover Terra Portátil, the table lamp that seamlessly fuses the magic of nature with technological innovation. Inspired by the legend that the moon was born from the Earth, this exclusive piece emerges as a work of art capable of transforming any space with its warm and enigmatic glow. Its structure, crafted from sustainable materials that provide a negative carbon footprint, is complemented by a sculpted natural cork sphere, giving it a uniquely organic aesthetic.
With a balanced and versatile design, Terra Portátil allows you to adjust the light’s angle or activate its decorative floating mode with a simple gesture. Its fabric-covered metacrylate diffuser ensures a soft, even light distribution, while the sand-filled interior provides the stability required for every environment.
The Memory of Objects T-shirts
Com sempre, regals originals!
Half a dozen Hòstia
Un bon regal original per a qui els agrada la ratafia
Hidraulik placemats
Me encantan . Estupendo diseño y calidad
Ratafia L'HOSTIA
Una bona ratafia i un regal que no deixa indiferent.Tornaré a comprar a Oniricat.
Càntir 2022 Carme Pinós
Design and quality products with very satisfactory customer service and delivery
Non-drip oil bottle Marquina
Un clásico atemporal que hacía tiempo que andaba buscando. Servicio de atención y entrega impecables.
The Memory of Objects T-shirts
Molt originals i de qualitat. Oniricat no decepciona. Molt satisfet!
Ceramic Mural Sant Jordi
Sin duda un regalo original que viajó a Pamplona y gustó muchísimo.